Hemlock, Eastern (Tsuga canadensis)
Hemlock, Eastern is a domestic softwood
Eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) grows from New England to northern Alabama and Georgia, and in the Great Lake States. Other names are Canadian hemlock and hemlock- spruce. The production of hemlock lumber is divided fairly evenly among the New England States, Middle Atlantic States, and Great Lake States.
The heartwood of eastern hemlock is pale brown with a reddish hue. The sapwood is not distinctly separated from the heartwood but may be lighter in color. The wood is coarse and uneven in texture (old trees tend to have considerable shake); it is moderately lightweight, moderately hard, moderately low in strength, moderately stiff, and moderately low in shock resistance.
Primary Uses
Eastern hemlock is used principally for lumber and pulpwood. The lumber is used primarily in building construction (framing, sheathing, subflooring, and roof boards) and in the manufacture of boxes, pallets, and crates.
*Much of the base wood information presented here is made available by the USDA FPL FS. If you are interested in a much more technical description of wood properties, I encourage you to visit the source.