Peroba de Campos (Paratecoma peroba)
Peroba de Campos is an imported hardwood
Peroba de campos (Paratecoma peroba), also referred to as white peroba, grows in the coastal forests of eastern Brazil, ranging from Bahia to Rio de Janeiro. It is the only species in the genus Paratecoma.
The heartwood varies in color but is generally shades of brown with tendencies toward olive and red. The sapwood is a yellowish gray and is clearly defined from the heartwood. The texture is relatively fine and approximates that of birch (Betula). The grain is commonly interlocked, with a narrow stripe or wavy figure. The wood machines easily; however, particular care must be taken in planing to prevent excessive grain tearing of quartered surfaces. There is some evidence that the fine dust from machining operations may produce allergic responses in certain individuals. Density of air-dried wood averages about 738 kg/m3 (46 lb/ft3). Peroba de campos is heavier than teak (Tectona grandis) or white oak (Quercus alba), and it is proportionately stronger than either of these species. The heartwood of peroba de campos is rated as very durable with respect to decay and difficult to treat with preservatives.
Primary Uses
In Brazil, peroba de campos is used in the manufacture of fine furniture, flooring, and decorative paneling. The principal use in the United States is shipbuilding, where peroba de campos serves as substitute for white oak (Quercus alba) for all purposes except bent members.
*Much of the base wood information presented here is made available by the USDA FPL FS. If you are interested in a much more technical description of wood properties, I encourage you to visit the source.